FAQ Small Group Tours

Frequently asked questions about how Inala Nature Tours small group tours run

Please note all these descriptions are for a general small-group tour situation and if there is something different to the usual, i.e: a more strenuous day to hike and see Gorillas, we will always outline it within the specific tour description and itinerary.  Please feel free to email and ask any questions that we may not have covered in this document.

  • Pace: Inala creates comfortably paced itineraries. We understand that you wish to see lots of glorious birds and wildlife, but that you also don't wish to be running around a hundred different places at a million miles an hour.
    We try to strike a perfect balance between showing you as much as possible, without setting a hectic tempo.  In the course of a day we choose several key sites where we can bird at a moderate, enjoyable pace and discover and discuss the many other wonders of nature as we look for the birds.  Depending on weather conditions, wildlife behaviour and time available on the day, there will always be further sites that we can visit. 

  • Activity Level/Walking Terrain: We do our best to choose sites that are accessible to the whole group, we often pick loop tracks on stable ground and we try not to walk more than a few km at any one stop.  Your guide will give you a general description of a track's length and terrain before each walk and you can then make a choice about your participation depending on your own abilities. We understand that some members of the group may have physical limitations, and we find that the enjoyable pace and the moderate terrain of Inala tours means that there are very few times when the whole group does not choose to participate.  If a guest does not wish to come on a particular walk, the guide will ensure you can rest in the vehicle, or find you a nice shady spot to do some quiet birding near the carpark until the group returns.
    If a particular unique, rare or very special species requires a bit more physical exertion to see, it will always be described in the itinerary.

  • Structure of a day on tour: Every tour is of course slightly different and the time at which we start and finish each day is often dictated by the seasons, the weather, and the wildlife behaviour in the area of the country you are in.  Some days with longer distances to cover may go for longer, some activities may require a very early start, to catch the worm….. 
    On average, we have breakfast between 6.30am - 7.30 am and are packed up and on the road by 8am at the latest.  A break for picnic lunch in the field is usually between 12-1.30 and we try to conclude the day and arrive at the accommodation around 4.30-5pm, to give you some time to yourself before dinner which is usually set to start between 6-7 pm depending on if there is a night tour scheduled for after dinner.

    If it is very hot and the wildlife and the guests are wilting in the midday sun, a decision may be made to take a few hours rest back at the accommodation and the set out again when it is a little cooler and there is more activity.

    Our accommodations are often chosen to be in locations where there is opportunity for you to do further birding and exploring if you wish in your free time.

  • Group Size: Birding with others is very enjoyable, there is a camaraderie that quickly builds in a group and we find that our guests make rapid solid friendships as we all share so much in common, starting with our love and respect for the natural world.  We ensure that group sizes are not too large and you will find that our groups are capped at 12 guests, but often we may run with 8-10 guests.  Our choice as a company to have smaller groups ensures better bird sightings for everyone, more room in the vehicles, and greater speed and flexibility in all group activities and decisions. 
    If you have never been on a group tour before it may feel a little intimidating, but do not worry, everyone is there to have a great time, to see the birds, to enjoy nature, to explore, and to discover new places.  Inala’s specialist bird guides are also all lovely people and they help the whole group feel at home and to enjoy each other's company.  We find that a lovely group dynamic forms where people assist each other with spotting birds and we all use each other's skills and strengths to make birding together a great deal of fun. 

  • Photography: Most birders are now also photographers, with everyone ranging along a long spectrum of skill and interest.  Some people use binoculars first and foremost, some now look through their camera lens instead of their bins, some are a blend of both.  How you bird is entirely up to you and we welcome everyone.  Each year we run a few tours that are specifically tailored to photography, all our regular group tours are primarily about seeing the birds, with photography as a bonus.   To ensure a fair balance and harmony in the groups, we do not prioritise photographing over seeing a bird or animal and we make sure everyone has a good look at a bird before any photographers change their position or try for a better angle. 

  • Meals and drinks: Breakfast generally consists of a continental style breakfast with cereal, fruit and yoghurt and tea/coffee.  Lunch will generally consist of a packed lunch style meal eaten in the field, with a savoury sandwich/filled roll/wrap and a desert option usually a slice/cake/muffin/fruit and a drink.  Dinners are two courses and usually consist of several menu options for main with the choice of either an appetiser or dessert.
    Drinks (soft and alcoholic) are generally not included but at lunches and breakfasts juice may be made available.  Throughout a tour we provide mid morning snacks and ensure that you do not go hungry.  We ask in the booking form for all your dietary needs and allergies and do our very best to match your needs.  Guides will always do their best to have suitable dietary snacks i.e. Gluten Free/Dairy Free if you have specified those needs.
    Meals in the outback/remote places:  There are some locations where the distances away from larger cities means that the meal selections can be more limited.  The information you give us on your booking form about your dietary requirements will be sent in advance to all meal providers on the tour, and they will always do their best, but please be understanding of the challenges and limitations of living remotely.  
    Water: We encourage you to bring your reusable water bottle and will have clean, potable water available throughout the tour for you to refill. Australia has very clean tap water across the whole continent.  Tap water undergoes rigorous testing and meets stringent health standards.

  • Accommodation: We choose places to stay that are always clean and comfortable and are usually 3 or 4 star ratings.  On some tours in the more remote areas (locations chosen because they are excellent for flora and fauna) we may not always have a great deal of choice when it comes to accommodation, yet we do our utmost to choose the best available close to where we are touring.  Often we have worked with a supplier for many years and know them as friends, and very often they too have a strong interest in nature and conservation.
  • Rooming: When you book a double room - the bedroom may come with a double, queen or king bed, it is variable between suppliers.
    When you book a twin room - the bedroom may come with 2 x single beds OR more often 1 x single and 1 x double/queen/king , it is rather variable between suppliers.
    Most double and twin rooms are en-suite ( with a bathroom privately adjoined to your bedroom) however very occasionally at a few locations, there may be a separate bathroom you share with one other bedroom; for example in a large cottage where there is a shared living area, kitchen and bathroom with two private bedrooms.
    When you book a single supplement you will always have your own private bedroom and we do our best to ensure you will have your own en-suite bathroom, however very occasionally at a few locations, there may be a separate bathroom you share with one other bedroom.
    Note for international guests, a bathroom in Australia only sometimes has an actual bathtub in it and usually contains a shower, wash sink and toilet.

  • Vehicles: We have a selection of Inala owned vehicles on Bruny Island in Tasmania.  In all other locations we work with trusted local hire companies to hire vehicles suitable for the group size and the terrain.  This may be a 22/25 seater bus, or a 12 seater bus with/without a trailer, or on tours such as Cape York where the roads require it, we hire 4WD vehicles.  With 4WD vehicles we do our best to always to ensure we hire vehicles where there is leg room and comfortable seats and provide additional cushions where we can.  
    To visit some remote locations in Australia and discover the incredible wildlife of this vast continent we may be travelling longer distances on uneven terrain and rough roads, this can be simultaneously exhilarating and tiring.  We embrace the rugged landscape as part of the beauty of Australia and do our best to break up the day with lots of stops and chances to stretch.

  • The itinerary: Whilst we aim to follow the itinerary as planned, please note that the itinerary provided should only be used as a guideline.  Depending on individual trip circumstances, weather, and local information, the exact itinerary may not be strictly adhered to.  The guides reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary as they see fit.

  • Range of birding experience - are your tours suitable for me?
    Yes, yes and yes, our guides are experienced in taking out nature enthusiasts across the entire spectrum of knowledge and experience.  If you have never birded before or if you have birded since you were knee high to a grasshopper, our very knowledgeable and friendly specialist guides will enhance your knowledge and match your passions and interests.
    Our guides are also very knowledgeable about topics far beyond birds alone and will do their utmost to inform and entertain on topics such as history, botany, insects, reptiles .... or whatever else someone may have as their personal passion.

  • More than just birds While birding is a central focus for our tours, we design tours that incorporate the wide array of incredible mammals, monotremes, reptiles and glorious flora of the world, ensuring we provide interest and entertainment to guests with diverse nature interests.   Our guided are also very knowledgeable about topics far beyond birds alone and can inform and entertain on topics such as history, botany, insects, reptiles .... or whatever else someone may have as their personal passion.

  • Private tours: With over 30 years creating personalised tours, Inala have helped cater to just about every possible interest on the nature tours spectrum.  So whatever you are interested in, simply tell us and we can suggest a personally crafted itinerary that will best suit you and your budget.  So if you love flora, mammals, photography, scenery or birding, you have come to the right tour company to help you take the next step to a wonderful nature based holiday. And If you dislike making decisions, and are happy to trust us, that is fine too.  We can lay out a very popular tour format and you can take it how it is or tweek some of the details to better suit. We will never try to sell you a tour that suits us, we always want it to suit you. Book your private tour with us today.

  • Ethics
    For Inala, the respect, conservation and protection of wildlife is always the priority.  We will try not to disturb or stress any bird or mammal on a tour.  We will do our best as a group not to get too close when viewing or photographing wildlife, we do not unnecessarily handle the wildlife and we do not overuse bird call-backs.  Every Inala guide has passionate involvement with nature conservation and operates by their own ethical and moral standards as well as the industry leading standards set by Tonia Cochran when she established Inala Nature Tours.  Nature rewards our care and patience with incredible wild sightings and views of natural behaviour, our guides' excellent local knowledge will enable you to adapt your tour to weather, light levels, seasons and  behaviour to give you the best possible experience.
    We are listed on an international list of ethical birding operators.

  • Licenses and Permits:
    You can be assured that we always have full licenses and accreditation for all the areas in which we operate within Australia.  We also work with other highly respected and fully licensed operators from around the world.

  • Terms and Conditions
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Inala Nature
320 Cloudy Bay Road, Lunawanna
South Bruny Island 7150
Tasmania, Australia

Travel Vault policy certificate number:

Phone: +61 3 6293 1217

Inala Nature acknowledge and pay respects to the palawa people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land, lutruwita, and acknowledges Elders - past and present. Inala Nature Tours and the Inala Foundation Inc are located on lunawanna- alonnah, also known as Bruny Island, the traditional land of the Nuenonne people.

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