Please note that this is a general suggested packing list and is not all-inclusive. Each person should customise their list based on their own travel needs.
Temperatures may vary considerably throughout Australia (mountains versus coast and for day and night excursions) so we recommend wearing layers of clothing that can be removed and added to as required each day.
In advance of your trip, we recommend you google the current weather conditions in the areas you are travelling to and consider the long range forecast at the time. Weather in Australia
Travel Documents and Money:
Clothing: Dark and/or neutral colours are best for wildlife viewing
A note regarding layering, always consider three layers for cooler weather.
1) A breathable base layer to wick the sweat away from your skin
2) An insulating mid layer to retain your body heat
3) A protective outer layer to protect you from the elements
Toiletries: (Your guide will have sunscreen, insect repellant, hand sanitiser etc. for the group to use)
(Some international guests have been asked to show evidence of a doctor’s prescription at customs for certain drugs)
Your guides will often kindly assist you with your bags, however please ensure that you have chosen a moderate size of bag and packed your bags only to a weight that you are able to transport and lift by yourself when necessary. (If you are travelling for longer than the length of the tour and need more gear, consider packing several smaller bags and we are often able to help you arrange leaving a bag at the start/end hotel for you to collect after the tour)
Additional optional items to consider:
General notes
The above information is intended as a guide only. In no way do Inala Nature Tours claim to be the final word on medical matters, travel documents or other tour related subjects mentioned above. You are responsible for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s) and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labour or civil unrest at such destination(s). You hereby release Inala -Bruny Island Pty Ltd trading as Inala Nature Tours from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph. Full terms and conditions.
Inala Nature
320 Cloudy Bay Road, Lunawanna
South Bruny Island 7150
Tasmania, Australia
Travel Vault policy certificate number:
Phone: +61 3 6293 1217
Inala Nature acknowledge and pay respects to the palawa people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land, lutruwita, and acknowledges Elders - past and present. Inala Nature Tours and the Inala Foundation Inc are located on lunawanna- alonnah, also known as Bruny Island, the traditional land of the Nuenonne people.