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Borneo Natural History & Culture

Sarawak & Sabah

 Borneo Natural History & Culture
Orangutan - James Jester
Tour name
Borneo Natural History & Culture
Please Enquire
From $11,990.00 AUD per person, twin share
Single supplement
$1360.00 AUD
Additional pricing

Danum Valley extension 1st - 4th Sept:  AU$2,600 pp twin share
Single supplement: AU$270

15 days
Group size
6-8 people

Visit this incredibly biodiverse country including 650 bird species and a huge variety of plants and wildlife. You’ll experience traditional culture first-hand.


2024 Tour - Guaranteed departure and tour closed although please enquire if you would like to join us subject to availability.

Borneo is the third largest island in the world and the largest in Asia and is politically divided amongst three countries; Malaysia and Brunei in the north and Indonesia in the south. We will be visiting the East Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah on this tour, which make up about 26% of the landmass of the island.

Our interest in Borneo is that it contains some of the world's most wildlife-rich and oldest equatorial rainforests, incredible landscapes and rich indigenous culture. The Borneo rainforest is estimated to be around 140 million years old and is the centre of evolution and distribution of many endemic species of plants and animals; the rainforest is also one of the few remaining natural habitats for the endangered Bornean Orangutan. It is also an important refuge for around 15,000 species of flowering plants, 3,000 species of trees (267 species of which belong to the family Dipterocarpaceae which have their greatest diversity here), 221 species of terrestrial mammals, 420 species of resident birds (around 650 species in total) and 440 species of freshwater fish (about the same number as Java and Sumatra combined).
In 2007, the ‘Heart of Borneo’ conservation agreement, initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) was signed by the governments of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia, with the aim of protecting 220,000km2 of ‘Asia’s last great rainforest’. By 2010 (3 years afterwards), a total of 123 new species were recorded in the region.

Join Tonia on this opportunity to visit this wonderful part of the world. This itinerary has been tailored to maximise our chances of seeing a range of mammals, birds and plants, but it also allows us chances to see some other amazing creatures and a unique opportunity to experience authentic traditional culture. We will ensure visit here also contributes to the local economy and to the wildlife with key species including Bornean Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey and Bornean Sunbear. 


Main Tour: 14 nights’ accommodation as above, specialist guide and transport on water and land, transfers at Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Lahad Datu, meals, entrance fees and activities as mentioned in the itinerary.

Danum Valley Extension: 2 nights’ accommodation as above, specialist guide, transfers from Borneo Rainforest Lodge and to Lahad Datu, meals, entrance fees and activities as mentioned in the itinerary.


International airfares or internal Malaysian flights at beginning and end of tour, alcoholic beverages, snacks, internet, gratuities, laundry or other items of a personal nature or activities not mentioned in the itinerary.

Additional information

Internal Flights: Estimated price for internal flights: (Kuching-Mulu (day 4), Mulu-Kota Kinabalu (day 7) and Lahad Datu-Kota Kinabalu (day 14) approximately an additional AU$500 based on flight prices in 2023. We reserve the right to revise prices and adjust if markedly different value at the time of quoting.

FOR BOTH SECTIONS please note:

Meals and drinks: Breakfast generally consists of a Malaysian style breakfast, usually with a selection of noodles, eggs etc. Lunch will generally consist of a packed lunch style meal eaten in the field, but we may sometimes eat at a local cafe. Dinner usually consists of several options for main with the choice of either an appetiser or dessert and dishes may be shared between participants. Drinks (soft and alcoholic) are generally not included but at lunches and breakfasts juice may be made available.

The itinerary: Whilst we aim to follow the itinerary as planned, please note that the itinerary provided should only be used as a guideline. Depending on individual trip circumstances, weather, and local information, the exact itinerary may not be strictly adhered to. The guides reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary as they see fit.

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Here's what you'll see and do on the Borneo Natural History & Culture tour.

Main tour


Day 1. Mon 19 Aug 2024. Arrive Kuching and tour of city. Accom: Kuching 

Day 2. Tue 20 Aug 2024. Orangutans, Semenggoh Wildlife Centre and Cultural Village. Accom: Kuching. 

Day 3. Wed 21 Aug 2024. Kuching to Bako NP. Accom: Kuching. 

Day 4. Thu 22 Aug 2024. Flight Kuching to Gunung Mulu. Mulu NP: Caves and bats. Accom: Mulu NP.  

Day 5. Fri 23 Aug 2024. Gunung Mulu NP: Canopy skywalk, boat cruise and night walk. Accom: Mulu NP. 

Day 6. Sat 24 Aug 2024. Gunung Mulu NP including river birdwatching. Accom: Mulu NP. 


Day 7. Sun 25 Aug 2024. Flight Mulu to Kota Kinabalu. Accom: Kota Kinabalu. 

Day 8. Mon 26 Aug 2024. Kinabalu Park. Accom: Kota Kinabalu. 

Day 9. Tue 27 Aug 2024. Poring Rainforest and Orchid Conservation Centre. Accom: Kota Kinabalu. 

Day 10. Wed 28 Aug 2024. Kinabalu to Sandakan. Accom: Sepilok Nature Resort. 

Day 11. Thu 29 Aug 2024. Sepilok-Bornean Sunbear-Kinabatangan. Evening cruise. Accom: Kinabatangan. 

Day 12. Fri 30 Aug 2024. Kinabatangan to Danum Valley. Accom: Borneo Rainforest Lodge 

Day 13. Sat 31 Aug 2024. Danum Valley. Accom: Borneo Rainforest Lodge. 

Day 14. Sun 1 Sep 2024. Danum Valley to Lahad Datu and fly to Kota Kinabalu. Accom: Kota Kinabalu. 

Day 15. Mon 2 Sep 2024. Depart Borneo. Accom: none. 



Day 14. Sun 1 Sep 2024. Transfer to the Danum Valley Field Centre. Accom: Danum Field Centre. 

Day 15. Mon 2 Sep 2024. Danum Valley Field Centre. Accom: Danum Field Centre. 

Day 16. Tue 3 Sep 2024. Danum Valley to Lahad Datu and fly to Kota Kinabalu. Accom: Kota Kinabalu. 

Day 17. Wed 4 Sep 2024. Depart Borneo. Accom: none. 

Day 1: Arrive Kuching 

Arrive Kuching in Sarawak. Depending on arrival times a brief walking tour of the city will be included. Meet for a group welcome dinner this evening where we will have an introduction to the tour.

Accommodation: Kuching (ensuite room)

Meals included: D

Day 2: Orangutans, Semenggoh Wildlife Centre and Cultural Village.

This morning we will visit Semenggoh Wildlife Centre in Semenggoh Nature reserve, a natural habitat which is home to Bornean Orangutans Pongo pygmaeus, which shares up to 96.4% its genetic makeup with humans and is gentle, shy and curious by nature. Just 25 kilometres from Kuching, this is by far the biggest Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sarawak. It was established in 1975 as a sanctuary for Orangutans who are injured, orphaned or being kept captive as illegal pets and a place for visitors to learn about this endangered species. Here, rescued or rehabilitated Orangutans are nurtured to readapt 
themselves to jungle life and now contains a thriving population of healthy adolescent and young adult semi-wild Orangutans. They spend most of their time roaming the forest but are supplementary fed daily and may be seen during that time. This reserve is also habitat for rare flora and fauna including the giant squirrel, pigmy squirrel, gibbons and a good variety of birds, including Long-tailed Parakeet, Dollarbird, both Fiery and Scarlet Minivet and Orange-bellied Flowerpecker. The howling of gibbons, the chirping of birds and the chattering of Orangutans make the nature reserve an ideal place for nature lovers. We will then visit the Sarawak Cultural Village which is situated 35 kilometres from Kuching. The quaintly landscaped village showcases authentic replicas of houses belonging to the major ethnic groups in Sarawak. Here we will have a chance to become acquainted with the culture and peoples of Sarawak during a tour of the village and a cultural performance. Birding is also great here and species we may see include Stork-billed and Ruddy Kingfisher, Black Bittern, White-breasted Waterhen, Little Green and Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Banded Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Prinia, Asian Glossy Starling. We will return to Kuching late afternoon.

Accommodation: Kuching (ensuite room)

Meals included: B L D

Day 3: Kuching to Bako National Park.

This morning we will travel to Bako National Park which is situated 37 kilometres from Kuching and can be reached by a 45-minute drive to Kampung Bako, followed by a 20-minute boat ride. The Park covers an area of 16 square kilometres of primary forest. The coastline of the Park is indented with beautiful rock formations, steep cliffs and sandy bays. Here we will find a wide range of flora such as pitcher plants (Nepenthes) and wild orchids. Monitor lizards, bearded pigs, deer, birds, a variety of monkeys including Proboscis Monkey, crocodiles and snakes can be found here in their natural habitat. Birds we may see here include Red-crowned Barbet, Rufous-tailed Tailorbird and a variety of waterbirds and waders. We will return to Kuching in the late afternoon. 

Accommodation: Kuching (ensuite room)

Meals included: B L D

Day 4: Flight Kuching to Mulu. Gunung Mulu NP: Caves and bats

We will transfer to Kuching airport for our flight to Mulu this morning (Malaysian Airlines/MASWINGS flight MH3752 10:50-12:40 according to current flight schedule; flight cost not included but can be arranged-see the 'Additional Information' tab). On our arrival at Mulu Airport, we will be transferred to Gunung Mulu National Park. This ancient and spectacular UNESCO-listed World Heritage Area is one of the most important natural sites in South East Asia and is notable for its high biodiversity and karst (cave) systems and exceptional natural beauty. The Park is over 52,000ha in size and contains 17 vegetation zones and around 3,500 plant species.

During the late afternoon we will take a 3 km boardwalk to reach Deer Cave & Lang Cave. The caves are home to over 3 million bats comprising about 30 different species and Mossy-nest Swiftlets who also echolocate in the darkness of the caves. After exploring the caves, we will sit at the bat observatory to observe clouds of bats emerging from the cave entrance as dusk approaches (numbers exiting the caves are highly dependent on weather) with possible raptors like Bat Hawk attempting to catch them.  We will then return along the same boardwalk, exploring en route for nocturnal creatures such as giant red millipedes, scorpions and land snails.

Accommodation: Mulu NP (en suite rooms).

Meals included: B L D

Day 5: Gunung Mulu NP: Canopy skywalk, boat cruise and night walk

Early this morning there is an option to talk a pre-breakfast walk on a 480-metre long canopy skywalk which is suspended about 20 meters above the forest floor. This provides a wonderful chance to view the spectacular tropical jungle at close range. We will then return to headquarters for breakfast, before transferring to a longboat which will take us to the Penan settlement of Batu Bungan. Here we will have the opportunity to visit the community and handcrafts may be purchased as souvenirs to support to local community. We will then return to the park for lunch and an afternoon of birdwatching.

Species we will look for include Red-naped and Scarlet-rumped Trogon, Rhinoceros and Asian Black Hornbill, Black-and-red, Black-and-yellow, and Green Broadbill, Greater Racquet-tailed Drongo, Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Crested Serpent Eagle, Black-thighed Falconet, Asian Emerald Dove, Jambu Fruit Dove, Green Imperial Pigeon, Banded Bay and Square-tailed Drongo Cuckoo, Greater Coucal, Red-billed Malkoha, Red-throated and Blue-eared Barbet, Maroon and Crimson-winged Woodpecker, Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler, Eastern Crimson Sunbird, White-rumped Shama, the endemic Bornean Black Magpie and Bornean Blue Flycatcher and a variety of Spiderhunters, Bulbuls and Babblers. If we are lucky, we may see the elusive Garnet Pitta. We will then return for an early dinner and short rest before heading out again for a night walk.

Accommodation: Mulu NP (en suite rooms) as for last night

Meals included: B L D

Day 6: Gunung Mulu NP: including river birdwatching

We will start early again today to birdwatch from a boat along the beautiful Melinau River for about 2 hours. Species we will search for today include Common Sandpiper, Blue-eared Kingfisher, Asian Black Hornbill, Dark-throated Oriole. We will then return to the park for breakfast and more birding and nature viewing on foot inside the park. A packed lunch will be provided today.

During the afternoon there is also an option to bird outside the park in the afternoon for some different species, including Violet Cuckoo, Raffles’s and Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, Red-bearded Bee-eater and Scaly-breasted Munia. We will return to the park for dinner. 

Accommodation: Mulu NP (en suite rooms) as for last night

Meals included: B L D

Day 7: Flight Mulu to Kota Kinabalu

This morning we will transfer to Mulu airport for our flight to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah (Malaysian Airlines/MASWINGS flight MH3252 10:25-11:20 according to current flight schedule; flight cost not included but can be arranged-see the 'Additional Information' tab). On our arrival we will have lunch at a local restaurant, before we travel to our accommodation which is a two-hour drive traversing Sabah's Crocker Range. Local birdwatching or free time around the resort before dinner.

Accommodation: Resort at Kudasang (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 8: Kinabalu Park

Transfer to Kinabalu Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which has been designated a Centre of Plant Diversity for Southeast Asia and which is exceptionally rich in species, with examples of flora form the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malaysia and pan-tropical flora.  Here, Mt. Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia, towers majestically at 4,095 metres (13,431 feet). The Park has a very wide range of habitats, from rich lowland and hill rainforest to tropical mountain forest, sub-alpine forest and scrub on the higher elevations.

Enjoy the cool air as we trek around the foothills, birding and exploring the area for different and unique plants of Borneo such as the carnivorous Nepenthes, rhododendrons & orchids. Birds we will be searching for include Mountain Scops Owl, Sunda Cuckoo, Whitehead’s Trogon and Wreathed Hornbill. We return to our Kinabalu accommodation late afternoon. 

Accommodation: Resort at Kota Kinabalu (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 9: Kinabalu Park/Poring Rainforest

This morning we will enjoy more birdwatching at Kinabalu park before heading to the montane oak-chestnut forest and then the lowland dipterocarp forest at Poring on the eastern boundary of the national park.  We will include a visit to the Poring Orchid Conservation Centre which houses a collection of some 1,200 species of orchids for around Sabah.

After lunch, we will also walk through the rainforest, which includes a 30 metre (100 foot) high Canopy Walkway through the treetops. If we are lucky, we may have the chance to see the parasitic Rafflesia, but this is not guaranteed as it does not have a predictable blooming season and with no stem, leaves or roots leaves little trace when it isn’t flowering! We will again return to our Kinabalu accommodation late afternoon. 

Accommodation: Resort at Kota Kinabalu (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 10: Kinabalu to Sandakan- Bornean Sun Bear and Orangutan

We will leave Kinabalu this morning after breakfast and travel to Sandakan, arriving at Sepilok in time for lunch. This afternoon we will visit the Bornean Sun Bear Centre. Sun Bears are found primarily in tropical rainforests in south east Asia, north-eastern India, Bangladesh and southern China and are threatened by forest degradation, illegal hunting and poaching to obtain young cubs for the pet trade. This facility includes large forest enclosures to provide a natural environment suited to the needs and welfare of sun bears and facilitate their rehabilitation back into the wild and was opened to the public in 2014 to increase education and provide further funds for their care.

In Sabah, Sun Bears are totally protected with the same status as the Bornean Orangutan and Sumatran Rhinoceros. We can view the Sun Bears from an observation platform while learning about their habits and conservation methods used to protect them. We will then visit the world’s oldest Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre at Sepilok to learn more about this ape which shares 96.3% of the human genetic makeup. We can watch them emerging from the rainforest from a raised wooden walkway which takes us to an observation deck before checking into our Sepilok nature resort for dinner and overnight.

Accommodation: Sepilok Nature Resort (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 11: Rainforest Discovery Centre- Kinabatangan

Early this morning, we will travel to the Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) where we will discover the uniqueness and importance of Borneo’s rainforests.  There is also another opportunity to enjoy a spectacular view of the beautiful rainforest from the observation towers 25 metres above ground on a 347-metre long steel Canopy Walkway. We will also birdwatch from this walkway, searching for species like Blue-eared Barbet, Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, Blue-crowned Hanging-parrot, Diard’s Trogon, Black-backed and Rufous-backed Dwarf-kingfisher and Blue-throated Bee-eater.

We will then continue by land to Kinabatangan, a base for easy exploration of an incredible diversity of plants, mammals and birds. We will take a short boat transfer to our rainforest Lodge where we will check in and have lunch. In the evening we embark on a boat cruise along the Kinabatangan River in search of wildlife. Also known as the corridor of life, the Kinabatangan River is the longest river in Sabah With a catchment area of 16,800 square kilometres, Kinabangatan is home to 198 species of birds including 8 species of hornbills, and one of only two places in the world where you may encounter 10 different species of primates, including Proboscis Monkey. We will return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Accommodation: Bilit Rainforest Lodge at Kinabatangan (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 12: Kinabatangan to Danum Valley

This morning we take an early morning boat cruise birdwatching and wildlife viewing along the Kinabatangan River. We return to the lodge for breakfast before travelling by land to Lahad Datu in time for lunch and then continuing onto the Borneo Rainforest Lodge located beside the Danum River in the Danum Valley Conservation Area – Sabah’s largest protected area of lowland dipterocarp forest preserved for conservation, research, education and training. This Bornean Eden has over 200 species of trees per hectare, some of which are the oldest and tallest (and most diverse) in the world. 

A myriad of animal life, including 124 species of mammals such as the Orangutan, Silver & Red Leaf Monkey, Asian Elephant, Tarsier and Slow Loris, 72 species of reptiles, 56 species of amphibian and over 325 bird species live in this fascinating world of tropical rainforest, most notably Silver and Red Leaf Monkeys, gibbons, tarsiers, Slow Loris, hornbills and Asian Elephants. After dinner tonight we will enjoy a night drive in an open-air jeep in search of nocturnal animals.

Accommodation: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 13: Danum Valley

This morning we will enjoy an early morning walk to the longest canopy walkway in Sabah, spanning approximately 300m in length and standing at 26m at its highest point. The walkway is around 3km return (1.5-2 hours). There is also an option to hire a 5 seater buggy for those who prefer not to walk this far. There are 6 trees with platforms along the canopy walk; most are easily accessed by 5-8m spiral staircases, and the last platform has bridges to allow for wheelchair/easy access to the remaining two parts of the canopy walkway with guide/ranger assistance.

Later in the day, the more adventurous can trek past picturesque rainforest and waterfalls to ‘Coffin Cliff’, an ancient burial site where wooden coffins, some hundreds of years old, have been found wedged along the cliff side, before returning to our lodge via the ‘View Point’ for a bird’s eye view of the Danum Valley and a natural ‘Jacuzzi Pool’ where we can dip our feet in the cool waters. There may also be a guided birding walk where we may see birds including Rhinoceros Hornbill, Hose’s Broadbill, Mountain and Pied Imperial Pigeon and other fruit-eating birds such as Barbets, Leaf-Birds and Sunbirds in the fig trees during fruiting season. Mammals such as Long Tail Macaque, Orangutan, Bearded Pig and Mouse Deer can sometime be seen searching for food here. Pygmy Elephant and Sambar deer may also be seen.  There is also an opportunity to relax this afternoon for those not wanting to join the walk.

We will take a night walk after dinner tonight (weather permitting) to see some of the valley’s nocturnal creatures.

Accommodation: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 14: Danum Valley to Lahad Datu airport and fly to Kota Kinabalu

This morning is free to do your own birdwatching or join a guided walk, before checking out and transferring to Lahad Datu Airport (around 3 hours travel time) for our flight back to Kota Kinabalu (Malaysian Airlines/MASWINGS flight MH3017 14:55-15:50 according to current flight schedule; flight cost not included but can be arranged see the 'Additional Information' tab)
( unless you are also joining us on the Danum Valley Field Extension )

On our arrival we will transfer to our hotel where we will check-in and have our final farewell dinner. 

Accommodation: Kota Kinabalu hotel (en suite rooms)

Meals included: B L D

Day 15: Depart Borneo

Own arrangements for departure from Borneo and our onward flights home (own arrangements: there are several flight options to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore available.

Accommodation: none

Meals included: B

Post-tour excursion

Please note the accommodation here is basic ensuite rooms with ceiling fans and no power between 11pm-7am. We will also be walking on tracks that may have leeches. But it should provide amazing wildlife and birding opportunities. 

Day 14. Transfer to the Danum Valley Field Centre.

Those wishing to take the extension would transfer to the Danum Valley Field Centre rather than Lahad Datu airport today to continue our exploration of the Danum Valley. We will spend the rest of the day and evening after dinner walking on the trails around the centre. Mammals that we will search for around the quieter environs of the centre include Red Langur, Binturong, Sambar Deer, possibly Bearded Pig and Orangutan; bird species include Rhinoceros Hornbill, Black-crowned Pitta, Whiskered Treeswifts and Crested Fireback. Please note that because this is a healthy wildlife-rich environment, there may be leeches on the trails. A combination of leech socks and good quality bug spray will greatly help and will be available for purchase.  

Accommodation: Danum Valley Field Centre (basic facilities in en suite room but please note no aircon (ceiling fans only) and no electricity between 11pm-7am. 
Meals included: B,L,D.

Day 15. Danum Valley Field Centre.

Today and this evening we will continue to explore the walking tracks around the field centre as for yesterday. 

Accommodation: Danum Valley Field Centre as for last night. 
Meals included: B,L,D. 

Day 16. Danum Valley to Lahad Datu airport and fly to Kota Kinabalu.

This morning is free to do your own birdwatching or join a guided walk, before checking out and transferring to Lahad Datu Airport (Around 2 hours travel time) for our flight back to Kota Kinabalu (Malaysian Airlines/MASWINGS flight MH3017 14:55-15:50 according to current flight schedule; flight cost not included but can be arranged - See the 'Additional Information' tab). On our arrival we will transfer to our hotel where we will check-in and have our final farewell dinner. 

Accommodation: Kota Kinabalu hotel (en suite rooms). 
Meals included: B,L,D. 

Day 17. Depart Borneo.

Own arrangements for departure from Borneo and our onward flights home (own arrangements: there are several flight options to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore available.)

Accommodation: none. 
Meals included: B.

Group size: 4-8 people + tour leader Tonia Cochran + specialist local guides. 

Tour Price: AU$2,600 per person twin share. 

Single supplement: AU$270. 

No additional internal flights are required as the Lahad Datu to Kota Kinabalu flight would just be delayed by two days.  

Price includes: 2 nights’ accommodation as above, specialist guide, transfers from Borneo Rainforest Lodge and to Lahad Datu, meals, entrance fees and activities as mentioned in the itinerary. 

Price does not include: International airfares or internal Malaysian flights, alcoholic beverages, snacks, internet, gratuities, laundry or other items of a personal nature or activities not mentioned in the itinerary. 

Please complete the following details to make a booking enquiry about the Borneo Natural History & Culture tour.

The Borneo Natural History & Culture tour is available on the following dates:
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